Saturday, October 18, 2008

Aunt Carol's Paintings

Carol Decker, Evan's oldest daughter, let me take pictures when I was at her house a bit ago. She's got some beautiful ones!

This is a painting of the house that Evan and his brothers grew up in. It's in Phoenix; I believe it's still standing.

This one is familiar to Arizonans. It's the Rosson House in Heritage Square; it's in the heart of downtown Phoenix.

Aunt Carol wasn't sure where this one was from, but the style of the house makes me wonder if it's not another Scipio painting. Perhaps?

I remember growing up seeing this painting, but I don't know anything about it. Rays?

And, yeah, I could try to crop these, or I could get the lighting better, or I could find a good photographer. (I'm a little shy now that I know Mary is seeing these :) !)

But, if I try to get all fancy, I'll never get stuff up...
Thanks for the pictures, Aunt Carol!

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